The Gloucestershire Association of Woodturners (GAW) was formed in 1991 and today has over 100 members. We are a voluntary, non-profit making organisation which exists to promote woodturning in a friendly atmosphere. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Hucclecote Rugby Club in Gloucester (7pm for 7:30pm start). At most meetings we have a top class demonstrator and a chance to chat to fellow turners. If you are interested then please come along and join us. However, if you want a free tea or coffee, YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN MUG.
Here’s what one of our newest members has to say about a training day with the GAW :
Thoroughly enjoyed the day and came home buzzing with enthusiasm. If the committee are in any doubt of the value of these training days, please don’t be. I, and I’m sure all that attend, increase their skills and are very grateful for the time the tutors give for free. Now, with the guidance I received, I have made my first box and learnt a lot.
This Month (Feb)
Philip Greenwood RPT will be joining us. Philip has been on the Register of Professional Turners since 2006 and likes to work with native timber, sourced from a local timber yard and from tree surgeons; this allows him to choose the way it’s converted to obtain the best figuring.
He will be demonstrating how he makes an ear ring stand, a mixture of both spindle and cross-grain work. He will also be showing us how to index the turning for the holes on a lathe which doesn’t have a built in indexing function.

Last Month (Jan)

January saw the traditional start to the year with a member’s hands-on evening. Topics covered were :
- Problem solving at the lathe – Keith
- Tool sharpening – Mike & Phil C
- Skew work – Martin
- Carbide tools, a step into the unknown – Phil Y
- Woodworking magazine indexing – Andrew
- Finishing & Buffing – John
There was also a shop and wood sales, a member’s sales table, Turn & Win and refreshments.
It is essential that your EMAIL ADDRESS IS UP TO DATE for you to receive the latest details from the club. If you’re not receiving your monthly newsletters than please check your ‘junk’ folder and if you still can’t find them then contact membership@gaw.org.uk
Latest News
The next (and final) installment of the novice turners’ challenge is a pair of matched candlesticks. There is no set design this time – it’s up to you to design your own candlestick – and then try to make a second one to match ;-). They should be brought to the March club night.
There is one remaining vaccancy on the committee that needs to be filled. If you are interested in helping your club, then please talk to any committee member for more details – without sufficient volunteers there will be no club. Specifically the remaining vacancy is :
- Secretary (2024/5)
- David will stand down as Secretary at the AGM in 2025 and so we need someone to take over and continue this vital unseen role. We’d like to identify someone early so that they can benefit from a handover. Duties include minuting all the committee meetings, publishing the monthly newsletter and dealing with any correspondence sent to the club.
If you could help with this position, or just want to find out more before deciding, then please talk to any committee member.
Find previous news stories here
Len Thomas Trophy
Given the increased number of fairly new turners in the club we have decided to run the Len Thomas trophy this year. This is intended for reasonably new turners (up to about 2 years experience) to allow them to have their work assessed by experienced turners and get feedback on how they are progressing.

It is also slightly competative as each entry will be judged for its conformance to the plan, finish and overall appearance. The turner who produces the best results over the year will win the trophy and a small reward.
Tool Sharpening
As requested by members, here’s an introduction to Tool Sharpening with Bench Grinders from John. If you’ve any questions please ask him – either at a club meeting or by email : chairman@gaw.org.uk
Members Gallery
If you’d like your work included in the member’s gallery then please send some pictures and a description to Phil – web@gaw.org.uk.
Project Plans
There are now over 60 project plans available and you can search to find anything of particular interest or just to get inspiration. They are also free – even to non-members!
The GAW ‘WhatsApp group’ is a way of staying in contact with fellow members during the month. It’s also a useful source of advice on anything to do with woodturning. If you’d like to be added to the group then please contact Mike (whatsapp@gaw.org.uk)
The members only page now has Chestnut finishing school information. It’s not a complete list but pretty comprehensive.
Beginnings in Turning
An Extract from the February 2020 Woodturning magazine.
“A Turning Journey”
When Mike was still working he asked his daughter for a woodturning lesson as a Christmas present. However he changed his mind, deciding it wasn’t such a good idea while he was still working. So instead she brought him a year’s membership for the Gloucestershire Association of Woodturners (GAW) and he has never looked back.
Want to know more then read the full article, click here: A Turning Journey

Toolite of Mitcheldean are one of GAW’s sponsors. They offer all GAW members a discount of up to 10% on selected products. Please check prior to purchase. Take your membership badge as proof of GAW membership.