2016 Demonstrations

December – Christmas Social

November – Chris Pouncy

  • Sorby tools

October – Jason Breach

September – Bob Field

  • Pole Lathe turning

August – John Jaques

  • Nutcracker with a spherical knob

July – Colin Fullbrook

  • Spherical boxes

June – Gary Ravine

  • Emerging bowl & lidded box in alternative materials

May – Paul Hannaby

  • The basics of bowl turning

April – AGM

March (evening) – Les Thorne

  • Lidded goblet & finial

March (all day) Les Thorne and Nick Agar for an all-day event to celebrate 25 years of GAW

  • Live collaboration uniting traditional turning techniques and shapes with modern colouring methods

February – Mark Hancock

  • “Rocking Vessel” showing hollowing, carving and ebonising techniques

January – Members ‘Hands-on’ evening

  • Chip carving, pyrography, jig, plate turning, sharpening and wooden jaws.
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