Offer of Wood

Would you like to offer wood suitable for woodturning to the GAW – such as dry boards or woodturning blanks?  If so, then please contact us. However, please give us as much information as possible to help us assess its suitability.

Whole trees are really unsuitable for the club because they contain a lot of wood and freshly felled timber takes years to dry out (to be seasoned). Unfortunately the club don’t have suitable facilities mill or handle large quantities or to store it for a long period.  However, small amounts of  green (fresh) wood can be both fun and refreshing to turn.

Information to help us assess the suitability of any offer of wood :

  • Location
  • When was it felled or has it still to be felled?
  • Is it seasoned or fresh cut?
  • The species (if known)
  • Size and number of pieces (approx)
  • Condition – are there many cracks and/or splits evident?
  • Is it being offerred for free?
  • How accessible is it in a normal car ? (i.e. not in the middle of a muddy field!)
  • Photographs, ideally with somethin in them to give an idea of scale
  • Can we pass on your details to club members who may then contact you individually? (please note your details will not be circulated outside of the club)

Our contact email address for any offer of wood is –

If you want to contact the club about anything other than an offer of wood then please use this contact form.

Thank you for considering our club.

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