2023 Demonstrations
January – Member’s show & tell
Back to the pre-COVID version of shaow and tell where we actuall met people to show them different techniques and approaches and were alble to tell them of any issues. We also had the ‘balls’ challenge – who could use their woodturning skills to get their ball to roll straighest off of the launch ramp.
February – Robert Sorby Tools
The Team from Sorby cam down to demonstrate some of their latest tools to sharpen ourt woodturning skills and answer questions from members. The Pro-Edge sharpening system and the texturing tools were the most popular spots – it was surprising how many members admitted to having bought a texturing tool but then didn’t know how to use it properly !
March – Sean Hellman
April – AGM
See the AGM minutes for full details, but one notable event was that John Hawkswell was rewarded for his service to the club with an Honorary life membership. After the AGM there was a talk on 3D printing by Phil and Brian where they shared their experiences of the subject.
May – Colwin Way – Bowl turning
Colwyn made his first visit of the year to the GAW to demonstrate how to turn a bowl. As usual he covered a large variety of techniques meaning there was something for everyone from the new ‘green’ turners to the well-seasoned veterans.
June – Wolfgang Schultz-Zacchau
July – Member’s evening
The second member’s evening of the year which also featured the car challenge – usinmg your woodturning skills, how far could you get a wooden vehicle to roll once launched from the starting ramp.
August – Les Thorne
September – Emma Cook
October – Colwin Way – Spindle Turning
For his second demo of the year Colwin did spindle turning, with lots of skew work and other woodturning skills to produce a German Smoker. There were, as usual, lots of hints and tips passed on a we learnt a lot about German woodturning and how to use a skew properly.
November – Keith Fenton
Our own member Keith Fenton took to the lathe to show us his woodturning skills. The first project was making a tea light holder out of a whisky bottle (Fettercairn is apparently Keith’s preferred tipple, but lots of other single malts available). The second project was a glasses holder – something I definately need !