2025 Events Programme

All meetings start at 19:30 and run until approximately 22:00 with a break of about 15 minutes at some convenient point between 20:30 and 20:45. The hall opens from approx 19:00 to allow members to gather and chat to each other.
January 8th – Member’s evening
- Problem solving at the lathe – Keith
- Tool sharpening – Mike & Phil
- Skew work – Martin
- Carbide tools, a step into the unknown – Phil Y
- Woodworking magazine indexing – Andrew
- Finishing & Buffing – John
February 12th – Philip Greenwood RPT
Philip’s career in woodturning started in 1986 after leaving engineering. He spent many years attending craft fairs. A major change happened when he moved into a craft workshop with his wife Wendy who is a glass artist. Philip was accepted onto the Register of Professional Turners in 2006, which was a very proud moment for me.
March 12th – Danni Flowers, Yeoman of the Turners’ Company
Danni was born in the rural, market town of Ludlow, Shropshire. Her keen love for woodland walks has greatly inspired her connection with the natural elements. In turn, informing her three-dimensional, material explorations throughout her studies at Ludlow College and Hereford College of Art and Design Foundation Diploma. Danni graduated from Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Art and Design in 2016 with a first-class BA (hons) Artist, Designer, Maker. Launching her woodturning business, Danielle Flowers Contemporary Craft, from the rural surrounds of Shropshire.
She handcrafts contemporary turned home décor and accessories, utilizing native timber sustainably felled from the Shropshire landscape. Specializing in British hardwoods, showcasing the unique grains available within our native species, including spalted beach sourced from the National Trust managed woodland: Wenlock Edge in South Shropshire.
Note this is a TUESDAY, not Wednesday
May 14th & 15th – Jason Breach RPT
Famous for his boxes, Jason is a regular visitor to the GAW and will be returning for an evening demo followed by an all day demo / masterclass on the Thursday (tickets required) where he will be able to go into more depth than an evening demo.
June 11th – Paul Hannaby RPT
Paul, who is another regular at the GAW, has been turning wood since just before the end of the last century and is based in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. He is a member of the AWGB, AAW, RPT and Cotswold Craftsmen and he exhibits at a number of their events in and around the Cotswolds. When Paul started woodturning, there was nowhere near as much information available on the web so a lot of the learning process was through trial and error. Being the sort of person that liked to experiment and push the boundaries of what he was capable of, this didn’t deter him at all!
Having learnt a few woodturning related techniques along the way, Paul is keen to pass on some of the hard earned knowledge to other turners and groups through tuition and demonstrations.
July 9th – Steven Gordon RPT
Another ‘local’ Steven will be joining us from Evesham. He has been professionally Turning for over 35 years, alongside making bespoke Furniture for leading designers. His turnings have contributed to prestigious projects for many Royal Residences, Churches, Museums and Government buildings. In 2020, at the start of the pandemic, Steven reviewed his work:life balance and decided to start Demonstrating, Teaching and Assessing.
He’s a member of the Worshipful Company Training Team and delivers the Certificate in Woodturning in various locations across the UK and also assesses the Diploma course.
August 13th – Member’s ‘hands-on’ evening
September 10th & 11th – Les Thorne RPT
A crowd favourite, Les has been involved with wood in some capacity for the majority of his life. He worked as a saw doctor prior to becoming Company Director of the family timber mill.
However, 1998 saw another change of direction for Les, it felt like a natural progression to become a full time woodturner and in 2001 he was accepted onto the Register of Professional Turners.
In addition to the Wednesday evening demo, Les will be doing an all day demo / masterclass on the Thursday (tickets required) where he will be able to go into more depth than an evening demo.
September 14th – Frampton Country Fare
Please contribute turned items and raffle prizes so we can raise money for our charity of the year.
October 8th – Ian Ethell RPT
Ian grew up in an era when school wood lathes were only used as sanding stations he still vividly remembers the fist time he saw woodturning demonstrated. Studying Creative Design at Loughborough University he began to develop an understanding of form. For over 30 years, working life has been spent in various manufacturing companies as a product designer/ design manager designing everything from guitar amplifiers through bespoke furniture to fire engine ladders. Twenty years ago Ian was given the opportunity to take an evening class in woodturning and was immediately hooked. Fortunately this was at a time when many of the great craftsmen such as Alan Batty, Bill Jones, Keith Rowley and Phil Reardon were still demonstrating regularly and he learned by reproducing the pieces he had seen made. Twenty years on, Ian’s work has developed to include other materials including resins, metals, paints pyrography and carving.
November 12th – John Dilley RPT
John is a keen, passionate woodturner progressing into the craft to a level where he can demonstrate and promote woodturning to others, he is currently working as an Operations Manager for a canoe and kayak manufacturer in North Somerset.
His first woodturning experience was at school for my CSE woodwork assessment. He decided to design and make an occasional table using two different woods and turned everything, including the top, base, spindle and three round feet. From then on he was hooked! and has been turning on and off since.