2024 Demonstrations
January 10th – Member’s evening
February 14th – Kate Kitchen
A new demonstrator for a new year, Kate is a crafter and woodworker from Wakefield who has showcased her skills on TV alongside The Repair Shop host Jay Blades.
March 13th – Robert Till
Last seen at GAW in May 2019, Robert joined us from Staffordshire where he works full time as a turner producing a mixture of both artistic and production work.
April 9th – AGM
After the AGM we had a talk on clock case repair by Will Cook. In his own words :
I have worked on clock cases on and off for nearly fifty years. I also used to teach furniture restoration at Stroud Collage for a number of years and have given talks before- it is something I enjoy doing. I have done a lot of wood turning in the past involving my clocks so there should be some cross over.
May 8th – Peter Dixon
Another new demonstrator for GAW, Peter comes to us from Herefordshire where he was the Membership and Programme secretary of the Herefordshire woodturners. He had recently been approved by the AWGB as a Tutor.
Peter started turning wood as a creative pastime in the mid-90s whilst living and working in the field of International Development in East Africa and South Asia. His motivation at the time .. he has always loved working with wood, and woodturning provided an ideal way to de-stress after an intense day of meetings and travel. Directing a razor sharp tool into a chunk of irregular wood rotating at speed requires ALL of your attention !!
June 12th – Chris Parker RPT
Chris will be making his first trip down from Lancashire to show us his skill and tell us about his passion for woodturning. He enjoys texturing his turned pieces with various techniques from a simple wire brush to more advanced techniques and likes his pieces to be organic & individual.
July 10th – Martin Saben-Smith RPT
Martin of both Hampshire Sheen and the Woodturning School joined us for an evening which involved both the application of colour and world-class finishing in addition to thoughtful and attractive turning.
August 14th – Member’s Evening
September 11th & 12th – Mick Hanbury RPT
Mick is a skilful and artistic woodturner who has been turning for over 20 years. He is listed on the Register of Professional Turners as well as being a member of Association of Woodturners of Great Britain.
October 9th – Wolfgang Schultz-Zachau RPT
Wolfgang returned to the GAW after his successful visit in June 2023. Wood turning is his hobby, passion, and his wife would probably say, obsession. Since his last visit he has become a TV star so was able to tell us about his adventures on Channel 4’s show ‘Britain’s Best Woodworker 2023’.
November 13th – Mike Luck
Mike Luck joined us from Stratford-upon-Avon